What Do Real Estate Photographers Make? [Find Out Now!]

Discover what real estate photographers can earn by implementing strategies like offering virtual tours, aerial photography, video walkthroughs, and 3D floor plans. Stay ahead of current trends, invest in equipment and training, and attract a broader client base by expanding your services. Increase your income and provide a more immersive experience for potential buyers.

Are you curious about the earning potential of real estate photographers? Wondering what kind of income you could expect in this exciting field? Look no further – we’ve got you covered! In our post, we’ll investigate into the world of real estate photography and explore what professionals in this industry can make. From the average rates to factors that can impact your earnings, we’ll provide you with all the essential information you need to know. So, whether you’re considering a career in real estate photography or simply want to satisfy your curiosity, keep reading to discover what kind of income you can expect in this dynamic and lucrative field.

Key Takeaways

  • The average hourly rate for real estate photographers in the United States is $25.19, but this can vary depending on factors like location, experience, and skill level.
  • Offering additional services such as virtual tours, aerial photography, and video marketing can increase a real estate photographer’s earnings.
  • Factors that can affect earnings in real estate photography include location, experience and skill level, offering additional services, clientele, and market research.
  • Real estate photographers can increase their income by expanding their services, building a strong portfolio, networking and collaborating, providing exceptional customer service, and staying updated with industry trends.
  • Additional income streams in real estate photography include virtual tours, aerial photography, video walkthroughs, and 3D floor plans.

Average Rates for Real Estate Photographers

As real estate photographers, one of the most pressing questions on our minds is often, “How much can we expect to earn?” While the income potential may vary depending on factors such as location, experience, and clientele, it’s helpful to have a rough idea of the average rates in the industry.

According to Payscale, the average hourly rate for real estate photographers in the United States is $25.19. But, it’s important to note that this figure can range anywhere from $14 to $50 per hour, depending on various factors. These factors include geographic location, demand for real estate photography services, and skill level.

It’s worth mentioning that experience plays a significant role in determining rates. As photographers gain more expertise and establish a strong portfolio, they can command higher fees for their services.

Also, real estate photographers often have the opportunity to offer additional services such as virtual tours, aerial photography, and video marketing. These value-added services can further increase their earning potential.

While the average rates provided give us a general idea, it’s essential to research and assess the market in your specific region to understand the rates you can expect to charge. Websites like Photo Insure and PetaPixel offer valuable resources on current market rates and considerations when determining your pricing structure.

Remember, finding the right balance between competitive pricing and fair compensation is crucial to not only attracting clients but also building a sustainable and profitable real estate photography business.

Factors That Can Affect Your Earnings in Real Estate Photography

When it comes to real estate photography, several factors can influence your earnings. Understanding these factors is essential to making informed decisions about pricing and ensuring a sustainable and profitable business. Here are some key factors that can affect your earnings in the field:

1. Location
The location where you operate as a real estate photographer plays a significant role in determining your earning potential. In areas with a high demand for real estate photography, such as bustling urban centers or popular vacation destinations, you may be able to charge higher rates. Conversely, in areas with limited demand or strong competition, you may need to adjust your pricing strategy accordingly.

2. Experience and Skill Level
Your level of experience and skill as a real estate photographer can greatly impact how much you can earn. Clients are often willing to pay a premium for photographers with a proven track record of delivering high-quality images. As you gain experience and enhance your skills, you can gradually increase your rates to reflect your expertise.

3. Additional Services
Offering additional services beyond standard property photography can also boost your earnings. Services like virtual tours, aerial photography, or videography can add value to your offerings and justify higher rates. These extras can set you apart from competitors and attract clients who are willing to pay premium prices.

4. Clientele
The type of clients you work with can influence your earning potential. Establishing relationships with top-tier real estate agents, luxury property developers, or high-end home builders can lead to higher-paying jobs. Building a strong network and maintaining good relationships with clients can open doors to more lucrative opportunities.

5. Market Research
Conducting thorough market research is crucial in determining the rates you can charge as a real estate photographer. Research the industry standards and trends in your specific region to gain insights into local pricing dynamics. By understanding the market and your competitors, you can strike the right balance between competitive pricing and fair compensation.

Remember, each factor is interconnected and can impact your earnings as a real estate photographer. It’s essential to consider these factors when setting your rates and continuously evaluate and adjust them to ensure your business remains profitable.

How to Increase Your Income as a Real Estate Photographer

As real estate photographers, we have the opportunity to not only capture stunning images but also boost our income. By implementing a few strategies and techniques, we can maximize our earning potential in this competitive industry. Here are some effective ways to increase your income as a real estate photographer:

  1. Expand your services: Plus to capturing property photos, consider diversifying your offerings to provide a comprehensive package for your clients. This can include virtual tours, aerial photography, video walkthroughs, or even 3D floor plans. By offering additional services, you can attract more clients and charge higher rates.
  2. Build a strong portfolio: Your portfolio is a powerful marketing tool. Take the time to curate a collection of your best work and highlight your unique style and capabilities. A visually appealing and well-organized portfolio will help showcase your talent and attract prospective clients who are willing to pay a premium for your services.
  3. Network and collaborate: Networking is crucial in any business, and real estate photography is no exception. Connect with real estate agents, interior designers, and home stagers in your local area to develop professional relationships. Collaborating with other industry professionals can not only open doors to new photography opportunities but also lead to valuable referrals.
  4. Provide exceptional customer service: Word-of-mouth recommendations are a powerful tool for success. By delivering exceptional customer service, you can ensure that your clients are satisfied with your work and more likely to recommend you to others. Respond promptly to inquiries, be professional and reliable, and go the extra mile to exceed their expectations.
  5. Stay updated with industry trends: The real estate industry is ever-evolving, and staying updated with the latest trends can give you a competitive edge. Keep an eye on emerging technology, new photography techniques, and popular design styles to offer innovative and in-demand services to your clients.

By implementing these strategies, real estate photographers can not only increase their income but also enhance their reputation and build a thriving business. Remember, continuous learning, adaptation, and providing exceptional service are key elements to achieving long-term success in this field.

Exploring Additional Income Streams in Real Estate Photography

As real estate photographers, it’s essential to continually explore ways to increase our income and expand our services. By diversifying our offerings, we not only attract more clients but also have the opportunity to earn a higher income. Here are a few additional income streams to consider in real estate photography:

  1. Virtual Tours: With the increasing demand for immersive experiences, offering virtual tours can be a lucrative addition to your services. By leveraging virtual reality technology, you can provide potential buyers with a 360-degree view of the property, allowing them to explore every room and detail remotely.
  2. Aerial Photography: Aerial photography has become increasingly popular in the real estate industry. By utilizing drones or helicopters, you can capture stunning aerial shots of properties, highlighting their surroundings or unique features. This adds a new perspective to your portfolio and can attract clients looking for captivating visuals.
  3. Video Walkthroughs: Video walkthroughs offer a dynamic and engaging way for potential buyers to experience a property. By creating professional videos that showcase the flow and layout of a home, you can provide a more immersive experience, increasing the chances of attracting interested buyers.
  4. 3D Floor Plans: Offering 3D floor plans can give potential buyers a better understanding of the property’s layout and dimensions. These interactive and visually appealing representations allow viewers to visualize the flow of the space and plan their future arrangements.

By incorporating these additional income streams into our real estate photography business, we can expand our services and attract a wider range of clients. It’s important to stay updated with industry trends and invest in the necessary equipment and training to provide these services effectively.


Expanding their services to include virtual tours, aerial photography, video walkthroughs, and 3D floor plans can greatly increase the income potential for real estate photographers. By offering these additional services, photographers can attract a wider range of clients and provide a more immersive experience for potential buyers.

Staying updated with industry trends and investing in the necessary equipment and training is crucial for photographers to effectively provide these services. This will ensure that they are able to deliver high-quality and innovative solutions to their clients.

Real estate photography is a dynamic field that offers numerous opportunities for photographers to increase their income. By diversifying their services and staying ahead of the curve, photographers can position themselves as valuable assets in the real estate industry.

To conclude, real estate photographers have the potential to earn a lucrative income by incorporating virtual tours, aerial photography, video walkthroughs, and 3D floor plans into their business. By staying informed and investing in their skills, photographers can thrive in this competitive industry and provide exceptional services to their clients.