What Do Real Estate Agents Make? [Uncover Their Earnings Secrets!]

Discover what real estate agents make in this insightful article. Dive into the factors that influence their earnings, like commission rates and negotiation arrangements. Uncover the average annual income, the role of experience, and the impact of a competitive industry. Explore how agents build their customer base and establish themselves as trusted professionals.

Key Takeaways

  • Real estate agents typically work on a commission basis, earning a percentage of the sales price of properties they help buy or sell.
  • The average commission rate in the United States is around 5-6%, but it can vary based on location and specific transactions.
  • The median annual wage for real estate agents in the United States was $50,730 in May 2020, but individual earnings can vary significantly.
  • Factors that can affect an agent’s income include location, experience, and market conditions.
  • Additional income streams for real estate agents can include property management, real estate investment, and referral fees.
  • Commission-based earnings are a significant part of a real estate agent’s income, and agents must cover their own expenses and may have periods without income.
  • Average real estate agent salaries in the United States are around $62,060, but variations exist based on location and experience.

How much do real estate agents make?

As a real estate agent, many people wonder how much we actually make. Well, the answer is not as straightforward as you might think. Real estate agents’ earnings can vary widely based on various factors such as location, experience, and market conditions. In this section, we’ll explore the factors that can influence an agent’s income and provide you with a general idea of what to expect.

1. Commission-based Income

Real estate agents typically work on a commission basis, meaning we earn a percentage of the sales price of the properties we help buy or sell. The commission rate is negotiated with our clients and can vary. The average commission rate in the United States is around 5-6%, but it can be higher or lower depending on the area and the specific transaction.

2. Average Income Range

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for real estate agents in the United States was $50,730 in May 2020. This figure represents the midpoint, meaning that half of the agents earned less and half earned more. Keep in mind that this is just an average and individual earnings can vary significantly.

3. Factors Affecting Income

As mentioned earlier, several factors can impact an agent’s income. These include:

  • Location: Real estate markets can vary greatly from one region to another, and agents in high-demand areas may earn more due to higher property values and increased transaction volume.
  • Experience: Seasoned agents with a solid track record and a large client base can command higher commissions and may generate more referrals.
  • Market Conditions: Economic factors and housing market trends can affect the number of available properties for sale and the demand for real estate services, which, in turn, can influence an agent’s income.

4. Additional Income Streams

Many real estate agents supplement their commission-based income with additional revenue streams. These can include:

  • Property management: Some agents manage rental properties on behalf of clients, earning fees for their services.
  • Real estate investment: Agents who are also investors may earn income from buying, renovating, and selling properties for profit.
  • Referral fees: Agents can earn referral fees by referring clients to other agents or professionals in related industries.

Factors affecting real estate agent earnings

When it comes to the income of real estate agents, several factors can influence the amount they make. Here, we’ll explore some of the key factors that can impact an agent’s earnings.

1. Location

The location of a real estate agent’s work can have a significant effect on their income. In areas with high property values and a strong housing market, agents have the potential to earn more. On the other hand, agents in less desirable or smaller markets may face lower earning potential.

2. Experience

Experience plays a crucial role in a real estate agent’s earnings. As agents gain more knowledge and expertise in the industry, they become better equipped to navigate complex transactions and negotiate favorable deals for their clients. This increased skill level can lead to higher commissions and eventually, higher income.

3. Market Conditions

The state of the real estate market also impacts an agent’s earning potential. During a seller’s market, where demand outweighs supply, agents may be able to command higher prices and negotiate better terms for their clients, resulting in larger commission payouts. Conversely, in a buyer’s market, where there is an abundance of properties for sale, agents may face more competition, potentially impacting their income.

4. Additional Revenue Streams

Many real estate agents supplement their commission-based income with additional revenue streams. These can include property management services, real estate investments, and referral fees. By diversifying their income sources, agents can potentially increase their overall earnings.

It’s important to note that while these factors can influence a real estate agent’s income, individual earnings can vary significantly. Some agents may be highly successful and earn six-figure incomes, while others may struggle to make ends meet. Eventually, a combination of location, experience, market conditions, and additional revenue streams all contribute to an agent’s overall earning potential.

To learn more about the factors that can impact real estate agent earnings, click here for an article from the National Association of Realtors. For additional insights into the income potential of real estate agents, check out this article from Zillow.

Commission-based earnings

One of the main sources of income for real estate agents is commission-based earnings. In this system, agents earn a percentage of the final sale price of a property as their commission. The exact percentage may vary depending on factors such as the brokerage they work for and the local market, but it typically ranges from 2.5% to 3%.

It’s important to note that real estate agents are not paid a salary or hourly wage. Instead, they earn their income solely through commissions. This means that agents must work diligently to close deals and earn their pay. The commission structure provides a direct incentive for real estate agents to work hard and achieve successful sales.

The commission earned by agents is usually shared between the buyer’s agent and the seller’s agent, with each receiving a portion of the commission. On average, the commission on a home sale is 5% to 6%, which is split between the two agents involved in the transaction. But, it’s worth mentioning that commission rates can vary, and agents may negotiate different arrangements with their clients.

While commission-based earnings can be lucrative, it’s important to consider that agents are responsible for covering their own expenses, such as marketing costs and office fees. Also, agents only receive their commission once a deal has successfully closed, which means there can be periods where they may not receive income.

To ensure accuracy and provide additional insight, here are a couple of credible sources that provide more information on commission-based earnings for real estate agents:

  1. National Association of REALTORS® – This comprehensive report provides detailed information on the income and expenses of real estate agents, including commission breakdowns, market trends, and insights into factors that impact earnings.
  2. The Balance – This article offers a comprehensive overview of how real estate agents are compensated, including an in-depth look at commission structures, average earnings, and tips for maximizing income.

Remember, commission-based earnings are a significant part of a real estate agent’s income, and understanding how commissions work can help both agents and potential clients navigate the process with confidence.

Average real estate agent salaries

Real estate agent salaries can vary depending on several factors, such as location, experience, and the current state of the housing market. While real estate agents do not receive a salary or hourly wage like traditional employees, they earn their income through commissions on property sales.

According to recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual income for real estate agents in the United States is around $62,060. It’s important to note that this figure represents the median income, meaning that half of all agents earn more than this amount, while the other half earn less.

But, it’s essential to keep in mind that these numbers can be impacted by regional variations. In high-cost areas, such as major cities or upscale neighborhoods, real estate agents typically have the potential to earn higher commissions due to the higher property values.

Factors such as a real estate agent’s experience and client base also play a role in determining their income. Seasoned agents who have established a strong network and reputation in the industry are more likely to attract high-value clients and secure larger commission amounts.

It is worth mentioning that the real estate industry is highly competitive, and agents need to invest time and effort to build their customer base and establish themselves as trusted professionals. Success in the real estate industry requires a combination of skills, including excellent communication, negotiation, and marketing abilities.

To gain a deeper understanding of real estate agent salaries and their income potential, you can visit reputable sources such as NAR (National Association of Realtors) and Inman. These well-respected websites provide valuable insights and resources for both aspiring and experienced real estate agents.

Remember, being a real estate agent is not just a job; it’s a career that offers the opportunity for financial success and personal fulfillment. By continuously learning, adapting to market trends, and providing exceptional service to their clients, real estate agents can pave the way for a lucrative and rewarding profession.

Let’s jump into the next section and explore the factors that can affect real estate agent earnings in more detail.


Real estate agents have the potential to earn a significant income through commission-based earnings. The commission is typically a percentage of the final sale price of a property, with the average commission on a home sale being 5% to 6%. But, it’s important to note that commission rates can vary and agents may negotiate different arrangements with their clients.

Unlike salaried or hourly workers, real estate agents are not paid a regular wage. They are responsible for covering their own expenses and only receive their commission once a deal has successfully closed. This means there can be periods where they may not receive income.

The average annual income for real estate agents in the United States is around $62,060, but this figure can vary depending on factors such as location, experience, and the current state of the housing market. Experience and a strong client base also play a role in determining an agent’s income.

In the highly competitive real estate industry, agents must invest time and effort to build their customer base and establish themselves as trusted professionals. With dedication and expertise, real estate agents have the potential to earn a rewarding income while helping clients navigate the complex world of buying and selling properties.